Don - I can't completely agree with your statement to remove the decals - sometimes the silvering can be eased by slashing the decals with a sharp hobby knife and then applying future, setting solution or a mixture of both - which exactly depends on particular decal chemistry and needs to be decided by way of an experiment. Future fills the "voids" under the decal and helps prevent the silvering, also acts like glue and the setting solution makes the decals softer. The slashing allows the fluids to get under the decal through the cuts.
Mrchantmarine - showing the photos of your problem could help me get you some better advice. True silvering is when the carrier film of the decal has a distinctively different colour than the background paint. But sometimes the colour matches and the decal is just more glossy than the base. In this case it's usually enough to apply a good coat of clear varnish to the whole model (glass masked!) to even things out.
As for applying patches of clear gloss to the model, I'd advise against it - this can create visible patches on the model, that can be hard to get undone. This is especially true when using future as gloss on flat humbrols - the "futured" patches stay darker even under many coats of clear.
Hope it helps - good luck with your builds and have a nice day