Unfortunately, you're 'up against it' for printing any light colors; if it's not done on white paper, the light part disappears, since inkjets can't print white ink.
Trimming close around the printed decal is the first option. My ususal go-to, when possible, is to print a color area surrounding the light markings that's close to the background color on the model: it makes close-trimming a little easier. (Even if it's not an exact color match--and that's a tough thing to get on home printers, I'll admit--it at least substantially minimizes the contrast that the viewer's eye would immediately be drawn to.)
If you're deft with a brush, it's not that hard to 'touch-up' paint around such markings...especially in larger scales. (Sometimes this needs to be done anyway, if the cut edge of the white decal paper is visible.) If circumstances allow, that's easier to do when the decal is still on the sheet, rather than after it's on the model. (Though sometimes there's no choice.)
Good luck!
[Just to show it is do-able...all the yellow lettering on this 1/72 Dauphin is printed with color surround matching the background, with no real 'touch up needed:
Hope it helps!]