Future is no good? Let me count the ways I use it....
To make glass faces on IP instruments
to dip canopies in it for crystal clear effect, often eliminating small scratches and protects against glue fumes that often will cloud the clear part
adhering decals that won’t stay put and curl
getting rid of the “step” effect of thick decals requiring multiple coats to be brushed on and sanded after curing
as a primer over puttied areas to be top coated with metallic paints
applied as a wet coat then decal laid over wet Future then brushed with more Future to seal decal and eliminate slivering
mix with pigments for wet mud effect
mix with craft paints in the air brush for a super smooth satin or glossy finish
When painting figures specially larger scales, applied over the eyes gives the right sparkling effect
Repair decals on older builds that have cracked or are lifting
Add food coloring to Future to tint canopies