yeah just get you some kinda decal softener like Microset and I dont think you should have too much prob depending on who made the decal... and if it doesnt work out do the white enamel on the IP, paint over it with black acrylic and use a fine needle to scratch out the dials! I'll see if I can find my pic of the one I did like that.. not as clear as raised detail or the decals but a lot better than dry brushing over the bezels and not having anything inside of them!
just thought I should add.. make sure the instrument panel is already wet when you slide the decal on. you want to provide plenty of lubricant for the decal to be able to be worked into the right position without drying and sticking too early. Once you get it close to where it needs to be, I found it helps to put on the magnifier and work with that till it is lined up.
once in place let it sit until the majority of the liquid is gone (i.e. decal touching paint) then you might want to hit it again with microset to be sure then check it right before it is totally dry to see if it needs another shot of it. This one went down with the original microset for the decal to slide on then one more coat for good luck.