How about:
"The adhesive on the front of the decal will always adhere better then that on the back of the decal."
"The ugly ones are quicker go down right the first time, whereas the nice fancy design/personal insignia decals will forever try your skills as a would-be brain surgeon."
"The willingness of the decal in question to go on nicely is in direct and inverse proportion to how passionately you show concern about the results."-In this case, feigned indifference has helped me in times past, such as seriously studying the alternative markings of the model in questions during the decalling process.
"Decal softening/setting solutions always pucker the most critical area the worst, while softening the intended area the least."
"Poking holes in the decals (per the aftermarket makers instruction sheet) to help them adhere by letting softening solution through only results in decals with with gaps underneath and ugly holes poked in them."
"Although aftermarket decals indicate you are getting decals for more then one of the type of aircraft, you in fact wil be lucky if you have enough for one after the 'spares' mess-up on you."
"The tendency of the model colors to 'bleed-through' the decal is in direct proportion to degree of the intricacy of the design/marking that is on the decal."
"The most intricate decals will peel-up the fastest before you can get a clear-coat/sealer on them"
I am sure others can contribute more !
Tom T
“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”-Henry Ford
"Except in the fundamentals, think and let think"- J. Wesley
"I am impatient with stupidity, my people have learned to live without it"-Klaatu: "The Day the Earth Stood Still"
"All my men believe in God, they are ordered to"-Adolph Hitler