LOL Tom, I know what you mean about keeping gas in them hurting.
If you noticed, I got... oop's mis-type
10 mpg coasting down hill.
When I got on it, I could actually watch the needle move. About a 1/4
tank per 2 runs and Friday or Saturday night cruise sessions cost me 2
or more tank fulls per night.
I never did check my actual miles per gallon. I didn't care about that
back then, as long as I was first at the end of the run.
I did notice that I used less fuel (yes I used to mix at the airport
sometimes) after I did my rebuild. I don't know what specifically did
it, maybe a combination... rebuild (balanced & blueprinted and all
the goodies), water injection, octane boost, tighter turbo 400 tranny,
Humm... I've got a couple of those models kicking around here somewhere. Maybe my next project.