If you have an airbrush, coat the model evenly with Future. If you don't have an airbrush, you can apply Future with a brush to the areas where the decal will go. Let this dry for 24-48 hours. Then use the previously described method. In areas of compound curves (a ball is a compound curve), it may be necessary to carefully slice the decal, with a SHARP blade, to make it conform to the surface detail. I usually "coax" the decal down with a wet Q-Tip, by rolling it over the surface. Don't use too much force, though, as the adhesive on the decal can occasionally stick to the Q-Tip if pressed too hard, or on a small decal. I sometimes use a brush to snuggle the decal down. Decals vary widely, and behave differently. With practice, though, they can be tamed. Hope this helps. Good luck !