Depends on the underlying paint and clear coats that you're using.
I use Tamiya Acrylics for all my painting, seal it all up with a nice coat of Future Floor polish (it's just clear acrylic).
To get some dark color into the panel lines I use artist oils and turpenoid. I take a clean bottle cap (like a twist off cap from a water bottle), put about a BB sized blob of artist oil (usually burnt umber, sometimes Indigo depending on how dark I want it to be) and then fill the rest of the bottle cap with Turpenoid.
I then liberaly "wash" the mix all over the plane using a wide, flat brush (anywhere from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch wide) and slop it all over. Most of the color will be deposited in the panel lines and around detail parts. This will also leave some color on the panels, so if you want to you can wipe it off the panels using a tightly folded and compressed piece of paper towel. You want the paper towel to be compressed so the fibers won't also pull the color out of the panel lines.