"The Swanny Sander II": Now in forums near you.
First of all, i would like to than swanny for making my sanding tasks a dream with the "swanny sander". also, i would like to congratulate swanny for his recent article in fsm. thats every forumers dreams.
ive probably reenvented the wheel here, but here goes. instead of buying additional heads for your electric toothbrush, just go and buy the inexpensive items shown in pic 1. (although the heads arent that expensive either). you probably already have most of it except for the sticky back velcro that you can pick up from your local walmart in the sewing department for very cheap. buy the round ones.(about 3/4 of an inch in diameter)
here, i have cut about a 3/4 by 3/4 inch square of sand paper, peeled the paper from the back of the "felt" piece of velcro, and applied the sand paper to the velcro. then, i trimmed the excess sandpaper from the edges of the velcro with the sissors shown. debristle the "spongebob electric toothbrush"(spongebob optional, any electric toothbrush will work)
and super glue the stiff part of the velco to the head of the toothbrush.
here, i have made several different grits of sand paper and even superglued a dremel polishing wheel to a piece of the felt. these are easily interchanged and if the sand paper wears out, peel it off and stick on another, or chunk it and make a new one. the felt on the velcro acts as a slight cushion and conforms to many rounded surfaces and nitches. all items shown in these pics have been rigoruously field tested. hope this makes a handy option to the "swanny sander I".