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Syringes for applying PE

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  • Member since
    April 2012
Syringes for applying PE
Posted by flaver 2.0 on Sunday, October 13, 2013 11:04 AM
This is a cross post from the general section but I thought I would post a thread here.

Just this week I had an idea to use syringes for super glue to attach PE parts. i bought a pack for insulin use, however the medium glue I use is too thick for the syringe. But because it's such a fine needle it's perfect for applying the smallest amounts of glue needed. Then in a fit last night as I was applying some railings to a round part of a ship I had an idea to load up some super glue accelerator into another syringe. That made my life much easier. So now I apply the glue with one syringe, hold the PE with tweezers and then with the other syringe push out a small drop of accelerator. The pharmasist at first thought I was doing glue and was hesitant about handing the package over, then I explained further and he said have fun :)

I sanded the tips down to remove the sharp end incase I *** myself. Once it's dull it seems fairly safe, but I figure they aren't anymore dangerous than the xacto blades.
Also you can bend the needles quite easily to get glue around and in behind hard to reach places. They are quite maliable so bending them back is no problem. They are fairly tough so when the glue dries to the tip you can easily pull with your finger nails any dried glue away from the needle and it won't pull out of the syringe.

Unlike other items ive used for super glue the needle bends on it's own so running it down a corner with a bit of pressure doesn't move the PE out of the way and they are long and can be held quite easily.

I'm quite chuffed with myself over this one.

Best of all a pack of 10 is only about $5

  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Sunday, October 13, 2013 11:11 AM

I have a hard  time keeping the nozzles of any type of glue, CA, solvent, white glue- whatever open, so I just cannot bring myself to use syringes for CA. I squeeze a tiny bit onto tip of toothpick to get a small amount. I tried using a fork made from a sewing needle.  Couldn't keep that clean, so I stopped using it for applying CA, but I do still use that to apply accelerator.

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

  • Member since
    April 2012
Posted by flaver 2.0 on Sunday, October 13, 2013 1:11 PM
I drop a bit onto some plastic from the bags in the kits and dip from there. I started using Gorilla brand Super glue and it doesn't smell as much as the Zap a gap stuff.
  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Monday, October 14, 2013 8:58 AM

By the way, I usually attach PE with white glue- usually diluted 50%,  Only if it is a big piece or something puts some stress on it do I revert to gel CA.  Slow setting of white glue allows me a lot of time to get the piece in exact position and alignment, and it dries very clear.

Don Stauffer in Minnesota


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