Other than pricing, I think there is still a ways to go concerning small parts. Earlier this week I exchanged a few emails with an online proprietor, inquiring on the printing out of Sherman track links. Their product was 1/35, but I needed them in 1/48. I was informed that at the moment it wasn't possible as the medium used would not hold the detail to proper scale.
I just don't see us hobbyists printing out our kit parts by purchasing the cad designs that has been researched/developed and worked on by someone else, unless that can somehow be copyright protected - how can they enforce that? Now, if you draw your own subject from scratch, using the cad program and printing it on your own printer, that I can see.
More likely, model companies (and web-stores) will drastically reducing their floor space by storing their cad designs on a computer. You just order what you want, (scale, variant, etc) and they print it up for you. No more such things as limited runs or out of productions kits - unless they use that as a marketing ploy.