We’re working on a new feature page for FineScale Modeler magazine, and we’d like your help.

We’ll be asking a question and compiling your answers to the great, and sometimes not so great, issues of today’s scale modeling hobby. Once the answers have been received and organized, we’ll present them on the final page of the magazine in a feature we call “Last Details.”

Our first question is one that a few of our longtime authors had fun answering as we celebrated FSM’s 30th anniversary (“Take it from the experts,” November 2012):

What five tools are most essential to your modeling?

Whether it’s your trusty hobby knife or a Foredom flexible-shaft variable-speed motor tool with foot pedal, tell us what your five most important tools are and — briefly — why.

You may respond directly to me by e-mail, but please limit your response to 150 words or less. And please don’t send any pictures or other attachments. Just the answers. Use the subject lineLast Details. And remember to sign your real name and where you're from.

I’ll look forward to hearing from you!

Subject line: Last Details
