I see that Tom. But, geez 10 thou per step? (it says "less than", but, if it was 5 thou, they'd say that)
So, let's call that 9 thou, just for my question.
Are there "more professional versions" available?
Any direct attempts to "print and build" each model or part is going to wind up looking like realllly tiny Lego work with the printer I see on that catalog.
I intend to treat it like the Color Laser evolution,,,,,,if I had bought the first Cannon I could get from a local dealer, it cost $25,000,,,,we have a 4 color today that only cost $500
In a few short years, $800 might buy a 1 thou plastic printer. Right now the 9 thou would work for making masters for pulling a mold and casting the parts, though.