The hairspray dries to the touch in a few minutes and you should be ready to spray or brush the white acrylic within 15-20 minutes. I shoot clear Testor's Flat lacquer over the topcoat and yes you can use it and it will not attack the acrylic underneath when sprayed in very light coats. You can also use clear flat acrylic but let it cure overnight before using the hairspray.
Yes you can silly putty the numbers and divisional markings.
If the white paint is stubburn, then use the tip of a toothpick to perforate the acrylic white paint coat and get at it with the brush and water. Start chipping away as soon as the paint is dry to the touch in just a few minutes. A hair dryer speeds things up.
Works every time.
I used the hairspray method here to depict a post war tank derelict.