Sounds like it might be a different pledge. The stuff I use says acrylic coating on the bottle. It is a bit cloudy in color and smells sweet. The ingredients are: water, propriatery film formers, tribotoxethyl phosphate, ethoxydiglycol, fragrance, ammonium hydroxide, oleic acid, 4,4 dimethloxazolidine, proprietary flurosurficant,, benzotriazolyl dodecyl p-cresol, hydrogen peroxide, pentasodium pentetate, scj formula 35*3597
I find when using it to clearcoat one light coat followed by a heavier wet coat works well( not enough to drip or run). Sometimes it will turn the model a bit white as it dries but dont panic it will dry clear. It also brushes on very nice and runs are easy to fix before it dries.
I have had issues with tamiya decal setter eating the future finish as well.