Hi ;
I use the smaller version of the clamps next to the rubber bands too . Besides we can't have enough Erwins now can we ?
There is also a softer alligator clamp with teeth you can smooth down some .( I don't ) I take the end that accomodates the wire and bend it outward . Why ? this way the clamp opens it's jaws further .
I have been known to use my Micro - Mark table saw to cut clothes pins in half lengthwise to make very narrow clamps too . This way when I reverse the clothes pin sides , I get smooth straight jaws as well .
Note ; when reversing the clothes pins you do diminish the opening a lot .This does work well for clamping sheet goods and such though . I thought I was the only one who had Brass bar clamps .
Last time I saw those I was in high school .Oh , and I do have six . T.B. P.S. The small thin clamps used for heat sinks in soldering , come in handy for a light duty thin clamp for small parts too.