You Know _
We are always looking for that odd tool that will make our jobs easier. Especially if it's free ! I needed a tool to etch grooves in a thin sheet of balsa for a Deck. Now the scale was small enough that I heeded a smaller tip than an X-Acto actually has .
Enter my cat ! If you have one that has NOT had her fingertips removed ( That's what De-Clawing entails .Removal to the first Knuckle! ).Then she can help . They ( Cats ) do lose those little arcs of defense on occasion .( That is why I use a flat scratching device for Sam. ) She uses it faithfully and then plays afterward.
While she is playing, I harvest those little curved weapons left behind in the scratching Media . They , Attached to a skewer with super glue or epoxy make great Light Duty Engraving tools for little jobs .And the Cat lets me have them Free ! T.B.