Josh Ryder
I have a run on the mill 1/5 hp compressor that allows me to change the psi. I'm running a Badger Patriot 105 with it as well.
When I attempt to change the psi level above 20 I see the needle falling back to 20 no matter how high I try to set the level.
While I can make 20 psi work, I'd like to have the option of adusting above 20 if I need to. I've already tried to check the hose for leaks to no avail.
What's the make and model of your compressor, and what are its pressure specs, whether in a manual, or on a data plate fixed to the compressor someplace? I take it that "1/5" is a typo and you mean it's 1.5 hp?
Did it use to produce 20 psi in the past?
I have a Craftsman 1 hp compressor with a 3-gallon tank, rated to up to 125 psi. I routinely brush at 20 psi, so unless yours is specifically rated for a lower maximum, I think the others are spot-on with suggestions of maintenance and quick repair.