well that is a discount of 5 dollars for what you can get it for at Airbrush city... what that one is, is a Badger 350 external mix single action. If you are looking only for general painting of the body and medium detail painting it would do, it doesn't get too much as far as detail. External mix does not give you as fine of a line as an internal mix will...
It all boils down to what you are willing and able to spend. The one you showed us is ok... it doesn't do great detail but is a LOT better than a spray can for painting and you can probably learn to do some detail with it (I did, I used to have one)
If you are into modelling regularly and think airbrushing might be for you it would probably be worth your while to spend a little more for a better airbrush... especially since you already have a compressor...
The Paasche VL, the Badger 155 (I have one and it is an AWESOME brush... ) are both under 60 dollars for the sets (they include hose, bottles etc...) and either one will do a lot more than the one you saw..
Good luck to ya! any more questions we're open all night so ask away!!
oh yeah I forgot to tell ya where you can get them that cheap... from
dixieart.com AND the nice thing is with them, on orders over $45 the shipping is FREE!