Hi, you may check this site: http://www.adhesivosparsecs.com.ar/ingles/default.htm , also I posted 10 dec 04 the following in the topic “Epoxy Putty vs. Normal Epoxy- Are they the same thing????” at this forum: “Good Ideas, you have given us. We use here epoxi putty for almost anything, from pipe sealant, to model building, even for duplicating parts, in supermarkets or craft stores you can get putty in different consistencies, form paintable ones (using a brush), creamy ones (using spatula or knives), to ones you can knead, they can accept up to a 5% of good quality thinner, so you can have all the choices to meet your modeling needs. The last one you can make it with a smooth finish by wetting your fingers, if you do this, put some cream to prevent adherence to your hands or fingers (if will not spoil the putty), the putty will also cure (reticulate or what ever you call it), even under water, also temperature will hurry the setting time. I have used it to repair lamps and chandeliers, boat hulls (real fiber glass boats), sinks, bath tubs, radiators, water pipes, gas pipes (only in emergency), there are many brands in the market, so pick the one you may have near and experiment. j3gm@yahoo.com.ar”
Hope this serves.