I am pretty sure you mean seam filling putty and there a bunch of different kinds.
Some can be found at auto stores, some can be found on sites such as www.greatmodels.com and www.squadron.com.
In your auto store you can find these kinds:
Bondo- A lacquer based putty which gives you a lot of working time.
3M Blue Acrylic- An acrylic based putty that is quick drying. Hard to find.
In the sites you can find these kinds:
ModelMaster- Similar to Bondo by quicker drying.
Squadron White- Fine grain putty that is plant based. Dries very quick and very little working time.
Squadron Green- Rougher grain putty.
Tamiya- Similar to Squadron White.
Milliput- ??? (Never used it)
That covers the most popular ones. There are some other ones, but I wouldn't recommend them. I prefer to use ModelMaster putty because it gives you lots of working time, but still dries in under half an hour. It also can be thinned with liquid cement for small cracks and it is red so its easy to see where you put it. Never dry sand a lacquer based unless your outside and protecting yourself from the dust (gloves, mask, something over clothing.) If you wet sand it, be sure to wear gloves aswell. Lacquer putty can be pretty dangerous.