I'm a big fan of analog cameras, but I don't think I will ever buy one again. I bought what was a fairly expensive analog camera 8 years ago, Pentax something or other (too lazy to go and look) which is auto everything. Piece of crap compared to my 1972 Pentax Spotmatix F manual everything. Wish I never had bought the darn thing, now.
The digital age is upon us now and if you're willing to spend a considerable amount of money on an analog camera, then spend that money on a high end digital camera. Canon comes highly rated. Any of the EOS Digital line would be a welcome addition.
The technique used by the photographers of FSM really have more to do
with lighting, than the cameras. An excellent camera used in bad light
will turn out a bad picture. An inexpensive camera in good light can
turn out wonderful pictures. Of course I'm speaking in broad generalizations!
I have a Canon Sureshot A510 digital that I use for almost everything now. It's only a 3.1 megapixal, but that's good enough for snaps of the kids and what not. I used to be like Dennis Hopper's character in Apocalypse Now!,
festooned with many camera bodies (B&W, color print, color slide)
and had quite a collection of lenses and neat old cameras. They were
all stolen, except for one Spotmatic F and 1 50mm lens, and that new
junk one. My photographic spark died that same day...