I've got two sets of tools: my regular tools at my work station, and a separate set of tools for modeling outdoors or taking on the road. I ended up with a second set of tools because I got tired of trying to figure out what I wanted to bring to my outdoor workbench. The drill always went like this: Set up the outdoor workbench, bring the model and some tools out ("I'll need the Number 11 knife, some files, the super glue and some flat black paint and brushes."). Get nice and comfortable, begin to model, then realize I forgot the putty. Go get the putty. Back outside, apply the putty, rinse the applicator, then go back in to get a paper napkin for drying the tool. While the putty dries, paint a part flat black, then go back inside to get the paint thinner I forgot. (Meanwhile, the paint quickly dries on the brush thanks to the nice dry Phoenix air.) Once I'm done rescuing the paintbrush, the putty's nice and dry, so I have to go get the sanding sticks as the file is too coarse, and well, you get the picture.
Finally got tired of bouncing up and down like a Jack-in-the-box gone ape, so that's when I bought a terrific new fishing tackle box and a second set of tools. (I got a Flambeau Outdoors' 7 Tray Hip-Roof Box at Sportsman's Warehouse in north Phoenix.) This tackle box enables me to take the model on the road now; it's relatively compact, but it holds a lot of stuff. And recently, I bought a little desk at a yard sale that fits nicely outside and I was FINALLY able to throw that rickety old tea cart I'd been using in the dumpster!