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Need help with wing marking on Rector's P-40E

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  • Member since
    January 2010
  • From: Pennsylvania
Need help with wing marking on Rector's P-40E
Posted by Sectick on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:31 PM

I'm in need of help/guidance for deciding what wing decals to use for Maj. Edward Rector's P-40E with the 23rd. Flight Group.  I'm wondering if this plane ever carried anything other than the US Star early in its 23rd career.

I bought the Hasegawa 1/48 P-40E, and I've decided to use the kit decals for the "White 104" (as I've always been a fan of the AVG and 23rd FG).

My question is which wing insignias should I use?  The kit calls for the US Blue Circle w/ Star, but I have seen this model done with the Chinese Sun insignia as well.  I'm not sure of the accuracy of either.

My main reference has been "Chennault's Sharks" but there are no wing pictures.  I know this P-40E was most likely a later model sent to the AVG, and if this plane wore the Chinese markings Early in its 23rd FG career I would prefer to go that route.

Does anyone know of any good references or pictures of Rector's P-40?  I can't seem to find a reference for this specific request on my own.


This is an example of it in Chinese markings:

But I am not sure of the accuracy, I've checked his sources and none detail what the correct markings are.

  • Member since
    September 2005
  • From: North Pole, Alaska
Posted by richs26 on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 8:28 PM

Wikipedia and Google Images are your friend.  The Tigers disbanded on July 4, 1942 so after that date those aircraft became US property.  Those P-40's are probably E-1's which are export models for the RAF of which some were taken back by the AAF.  Here are two sites that might be of interest to you for reference:

WIP:  Monogram 1/72 B-26 (Snaptite) as 73rd BS B-26, 40-1408, torpedo bomber attempt on Ryujo

Monogram 1/72 B-26 (Snaptite) as 22nd BG B-26, 7-Mile Drome, New Guinea

Minicraft 1/72 B-24D as LB-30, AL-613, "Tough Boy", 28th Composite Group

  • Member since
    January 2010
  • From: Pennsylvania
Posted by Sectick on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 9:33 PM

Thanks thats a big help, and a very interesting read.  The part about insignias not being painted over really was something new to me.  But since this plane would have had Chinese Suns first I'm still going to simulate the paint over effect.

I knew the Tigers were disbanded in July. However, I've seen at least 2 other modelers do this particular plane with the Blue Fuselage Stripe for the 76th FS yet they model it carrying the Suns.  If the plane actually flew like that in the begining of the 23rd I'd love to model it to add a bit of originality.  Common sense tells me if they had time to paint the Blue 76th bands, then the would have also applied the US insignias.

I just couldn't/can't find a picture of this planes wings, but until I find one to prove otherwise though, I think I'm just going to go with the US insignias.

I guess I just love the AVG P-40's with the Suns, and if I could find a way to accurately sneak them on a 23rd FS I'd jump on it.  Big Smile



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