Osprey series (take your pic of the force, equipment, vehicle you want to see)
For armour my bible is for the german side Encyclopedia of german tanks of world war two (by Peter Chamberlain and Hilary L. Doyle) ISBN 1854095188
of other interesting books
D-day to berlin (Armour Camouflage and markings of US ,UK and DEU armies June 44 to may 45, by Terence wise) ISBN 185409212x
Images of Kursk Historys greatest tank battle (by Nik Cornish) ISBN 1574885766
The Panzers And The Battle Of Normandy 5 June To 20 July 1944 (By George Bernage) ISBN 2840481359
Images of War Panzerdivisions at war 1939-1945 (by Ian Baxter) ISBN 1844154335
Soviet tanks in combat 1941-1945 (By Steven J. Zaloga ) ISBN 9623616155
Inside the Great Tanks ( by Hans Halberstadt) ISBN 1861262701 (great for interior pics from WW2 to Desert storm)