Looking for B-26G Hunconscious.
This is a cross post. Also posted in Aircraft Forum for widest exposure
Wow, I have been away from models for a while!
I met a family member of one of the Hunconscious crew and I would like to build a model for them (maybe one for me too).
43-34430 was a B-26G assigned to 599th Sq, 397th Bomb Group
So far, I have come to the conclusion that she likely was wearing a NMF and invasion stripes with the fuse code of 6B-B. If I could find nose art (if any was present), I think that I have enough info to work with. I would appreciate it if those of you who have B-26 reference material could check and see if you happen to have a photo which includes this aircraft.
I plan on using the Monogram kit, since the only significant external difference not addressed by the kit is the AoA of the wing. Maybe I'll have to play with the tail gun position, but that should not be a big deal.
Thanks for looking