I'm working on a Tamiya 1/48 F4F-4 and have a couple reference questions.
1. The kit instructions for painting the formation lights has them bright colors, and I see a lot of folks finishing their builds accordingly. I've grabbed just about every image I can find off the internets of Wildcats across all varients, including historical and contemporary refurbs and haven't been able to find even a single image where the formation lights are visible. Also, the molded detail looks more like regular access panels than lights. I'm inclined to just treat like the rest of the underside in the light grey camo color, but if I'm missing something will certainly address. What's the story there?
2. I see a lot of modelers putting on heavy cordite burn stains on the wing behind the guns and following the ejection ports, but I can't find a single reference image showing this. To follow up, I searched images for any WWII fighter, and can't find any precidence at all. Was that a real thing, or is that artistic interpretation?
Thanks much!
ps: In some images I also see what looks like light grey squares on the leading edge of the wing, esp around the two inboard guns. What is that? Is that something to consider modeling? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Grumman_F4F-4s_Henderson_Field_1942_NAN1-93.JPG