Here are some wartime photos, along with a museum bird. The landing gear is very close to Luftwaffe RLM 02.
You may also be able to find some info here:
I haven't had much time to fully explore it, but its a site dedicated to WW II Russian aircraft.
The cockpit colors are another matter. I have seen a light gray close to Japanese Navy Gray on "Wings of the Red Star" on Discovery Wings Channel. I have also seen the sidewalls painted in light blue, possibly Russian Underside Blue, with the console & seat in light gray. The third scheme I have seen is a Bronze Green, which I used on mine.
Info & pics of VVS cockpits are few and far between. Since I have seen all three schemes on real aircraft, you can't be any more "right" or "wrong" than they are.
Hope this helps, and doesn't confuse you. Good luck on the build !