Greatings members
I can help members with many details concerning air forces in Africa, being the former editor of Africa Defence Journal. I have inventory lists for all African countries, if you wish to find out if a certain country had a particular aircraft, for intance. I can tell you colours for some of them, not all, please note.
As far as Zimbabwe is concerned (formerly Rhodesia), I can give you more information, as I live in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe.
For Air Force Zimbabwe (AFZ) as well as the (Royal) Rodesian Air Force, I can answer5 just about all questions, on types and outline histories, as I live here.
I have some photographs of AFZ aircraft, mostly of the VIP flight, as well as photos of western, Brazilian and locally made and Chinise IFV and certain army vehicles and artillery, both at various parades as some pics taken from the Zimbabwe Army in the Congo a few years ago.
Please dont hesitate to contact me at my email address if you want a specific question answered. I will do my best and if possible send you a photo.
I am not too clued-up on how the internet works, I would thus prefer to get a e-mail. Also the web is difficult for me to access from here as the phone lines are poor and one has frequent 'cuts' usually after less than 3 minutes.
Michael Quintana -
Harare, Zimbabwe