OK, I just ran across my box of military Modeler magazines. The June 1994 issue was the last pure issue of Military Modeler, volume 21, number 6. The July 1994 issue carries the title Scale Modeler (as the main title) & Military Modeler (in much smaller text) and is now volume 29, number 7. Scale Modeler must have bee 8 volumes ahead of Military Modeler.
The final issue of Scale Modeler that has Military Modeler as a subtitle is September 1997, volume 32 number 6. The next issue is November 1997 volume 32 number 7 (so I know there isn't a missing Ocotber issue). Military Modeler is now missing from the rest of the titles and it's just Scale Modeler.
The last issue of Scale Modeler I have is September 1998, volume 33 number 6. The next magazine I received was called Scale R/C, November 1998, volume 24, number 9. It merged Scale Modeler, Scale Ship Modeler and Scale R/C Modeler, according to the editorial. This was the last model related magazine I received as part of this subscription. I believe the balance of my subscription was completed by sending me car magazines (which I pitched). So Scale R/C must have lasted just an issue.
I have every issue from November 1987 to the end with the exception of November 1990, December 1990 and January 1991. Those are missing because of deployment from Germany to Desert Shield/Desert Storm and they never made it to me.