I think that your photos are really good. Following are a few tips for improving your photos.
This is my photo setup. It is nothing fancy. I use an older Nikon digital camera, a flood lamp that I can move about to adjust shadows and strong overhead lights. I also use a tripod. A tripod is a must. I like my digital camera because I can set it to "aperture prioity". That means that I can set the aperture to the higest F-stop number and the camera calculates the correct exposure time. This insures that my photos are sharp with a large depth of field. Keep in mind that a high F-stop will require a long exposure time. That is why a tripod is a must. I also set the camera's timer to a 5 second delay. That eliminates any camera shake when I click the shutter. By the way, I took this photo with my smartphone, that is why it is not sharp.
Let's talk about lighting and shadows. My camera has an automatic "white balance" feature. I set the camera to WB and take a photo of a white board. The camera makes a bunch of caculations based upon the color of the light coming from my overhead lights and flood light. It then uses software to make sure that the colors in my photos are accurate.
I think that shadows are a must. Take a look at the top photo. I moved around my flood light so that the photo would have no shadows. IMHO, the photo is really boring and really flat looking. The lighting in the second photo was setup so that there would be nice soft shadows. The result is a very three dimensional photo with a lot of detail.
I use Photoshop Elements, which is way less money that Photoshop, to correct my photos. I use it to correct the color, brightness and contrast of the photos. I also use it to crop my photos. In addition, I use it to remove unwanted "stuff" in my photos. Note that the two windows in the top photo were removed in the lower photo.
I noticed that the photos of your ship were composed to include the entire ship. That's okay, but it is nice to take some "close-up" photos to capture the special details of your models. A high F-stop number is required for close-ups.
It's also fun to take photos from different vantage points. Compare the two photos above.
Most important, have fun taking photos. Photography is an art form. The more photos that you take, the better your photos will be.