Dear Finescale,
I felt the article on resin casting was very imformative although I don't actually cast my own pieces yet...Maybe it will become more useful to me in the future. I always enjoy looking back on older issues of Finescale for inspiration.
I enjoy the sections detailing the workbench reviews and the step by step model builds and conversions with photos like the F-5 article.
It would be nice to include more custom work articles with explanations of how they were conceived and built...and where a modeler can find the parts or decals needed to do the job...
The resin frigate some piece of modeling and great for anyone who wishes to build resin ships.
To be honest, although the articles were very imformative and well written I think this particular issue dealt with several advanced techniques which many modelers like myself don't find as immediately useful...
In the future such articles would be appreciated but I thought you might be able to diversify the articles more...Some painting techniques...maybe weathering, photo etch or super detailing....In general though you do this fairly well...some magazines just hit the spot better than others...but I am generally pleased with the information given. That's why I've subscribed for the last two years...I think you should also offer magazines all 12 many international customers have winter when we have summer...
Just my thoughts...
Thanks for asking..and continue the good work