For over a week now I've kept the door to my workshop in the basement open, and allowed our two cats to roam the floor freely. Our George could really care less about what goes on in the workshop, but Winfield is always curious and always looking to be where I am. After a super glue mishap when he was a kitten, I kept him out of the workshop. But at the insistence of both the cat (via meowing and howling) and my fiancee (who was sick of hearing the cat carry on outside the closed door), Winfield was granted entry. We even took an old chair and covered it with a wool blanket for him to sit on. Well wouldn't ya know it? The little fuzzball loves his throne. I worked on my 1:72 scale Defiant for four hours yesterday evening, while Winfield slept soundly. It was the best deal I could have brokered with my feline friend. The only time I won't have him in there with me now is when I'm using aerosol paints.
Does anyone else allow pets in their workspaces? Obviously it can be a hazard, but I was curious to see if I'm the only one brave (or foolish) enough to allow an animal into my workshop.
And speaking of the fuzzball, here's Winfield enjoying life in the workshop: