Thanks SP!
Actually it sounds better than the novel. The book is more a 'slice of life' type of thing about living under Axis control rather than a novel with a plot. There aren't any movers or shakers in it. Just normal people trying to survive. Which is ok of course but just not that exciting.
You've got an antiques dealer in San Fran dealing with Japanese who are buying up American history left and right- the reverse of Allied troops buying up 500 year old samurai swords to bring back to hang on the living room wall in real history. There's an Italian truck driver dealing with bigotry from the former Allies that hate him for fighting for the enemy and contempt from the Japanese and Germans who consider the Italians dead weight in the war. And a 'Swedish' businessman who's actually an anti-National Socialist German in disguise and on the lam.
There's mention here and there about growing tensions between the Empire and the Reich but we don't get to see any of it. It's a neat novel but frankly there's just no real plot as I remember other than just trying to get by day to day. Guess I need to give the show a shot, it sounds much better than the ads.