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Aircraft Trivia Quiz

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  • Member since
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  • From: 40 klicks east of the Gateway
Posted by yardbird78 on Monday, February 6, 2006 11:52 AM

I am confused as to which questions are still active, so I'll be somewhat assertive and ask a very simple one in an attempt to get this thread back on track.

In what year did the B-52 become operational and at what SAC base?

Darwin, O.F. Alien [alien]


The B-52 and me, we have grown old, gray and overweight together.

  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted by T_Terrific on Monday, February 6, 2006 10:38 AM

 rudy_102 wrote:
Hey, is the P-40 question answered? I'd like to post a question, but still waiting for the P-40 one to be confirmed.

Me too!

Hud might be having a little trouble sifting through all the extemperaneous posts, though.

Let us hear from ya hud!

   Tom T Cowboy [C):-)]

Tom TCowboy

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”-Henry Ford

"Except in the fundamentals, think and let think"- J. Wesley

"I am impatient with stupidity, my people have learned to live without it"-Klaatu: "The Day the Earth Stood Still"

"All my men believe in God, they are ordered to"-Adolph Hitler

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 4, 2006 11:59 AM

 GunnerMan1 wrote:
Scott it seems you have posted many more useless threads than I have. My point was simple Lets stop fussing over who did who, who did what and lets just get back to the quiz. Like I said if I see a question I will post an answer.

My point is why do you CONTINUE to dredge up complaints when all we are doing is trying to move on? You can play, you can move on, or you can just keep sending messages complaining about complaining. Kind of ridiculous, agreed?

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 4, 2006 11:49 AM
Everybody who's tired of this crap should go to the thread "Aircraft Trivia Quiz 2," which is humming along nicely and hasn't been infected yet.

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 4, 2006 11:38 AM
Scott it seems you have posted many more useless threads than I have. My point was simple Lets stop fussing over who did who, who did what and lets just get back to the quiz. Like I said if I see a question I will post an answer.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 4, 2006 11:14 AM
 salbando wrote:

This is the same crap that happened to me when I posted a simple quiz type "what type of aircraft is this" post.  It just so happened that it was the same two instigators in this thread.

For the two in question, do us all a favor're outnumbered. 


Now I'm sure they're going to respond with some whitty, synical diatribe...let's see if I'm correct.

Back to the trivia questions PLEASE!

You're exactly right salbando, and if you'll look, you'll see that the person you're talking about has a long history of disrupting threads. I went to the thread your referring to, and saw that in fact that thread was destroyed in exactly the same way the others have been. We are TRYING to get back to the trivia question. There is an open question. I've given my lame answer; where is yours?  Unfortunately, unless you participate, you are only doing what you're complaining about.

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 4, 2006 10:52 AM

This is the same crap that happened to me when I posted a simple quiz type "what type of aircraft is this" post.  It just so happened that it was the same two instigators in this thread.

For the two in question, do us all a favor're outnumbered. 


Now I'm sure they're going to respond with some whitty, synical diatribe...let's see if I'm correct.

Back to the trivia questions PLEASE!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 4, 2006 10:22 AM

 leemitcheltree wrote:
My dear boy - I'm sure that I speak for all those who frequent this forum in saying that we're all getting very sick and tired of seeing your abuse of other Forum members - indeed, members who have been here far longer than you - and this abuse must stop.
Think on this - I've had personal email contact with a number of FSM Forum members - long term members, all -  and the general consensus is that this type of abuse is unwanted, unwelcome, and unnecessary. 
I've reported this uncessant abuse, along with details of the personal emails to the FSM Administrators.  Perhaps thay may chose to take some appropriate action.
Honestly, mate - and I think that I speak for all who use this forum - either play nice and quit with the abuse, or just go away and don't come back.  This is supposed to be a nice place to play - and you don't seem to think that way.
And if your intent is to create an air of "unfriendliness" on this forum, with the aim of chasing the users away onto other forums, I think that you're sadly mistaken.  It just ain't gonna work.
So - like I said - just play nice, or just go away.
I'm available at any time for rebuttal - I suggest you use the email link below to refrain from clogging up this thread.
Have a nice day...........Smile [:)]

If you're so unhappy with this thread, why do you keep coming here? You don't participate - you add nothing of any value to the discussion. If you would bother to look, you will see that we are trying to hold a trivia quiz here. Yet you don't get involved in the quiz, you (and some others) only come here to complain. I am growing weary of having to wade through your irrelevant posts while trying to answer quiz questions. Now you can go ' cry to mommy' if you want, but you need to complain about yourself while your at it. You and others are doing nothing but bogging the thread down with unecessary whining. 

Sorry; I'm not going to go away. And again, your post is no more productive than the posts you complain about. There WAS an active trivia question, with active, legitimate answers, until YOU and others saw the need to dredge up impertinant points that had NOTHING to do with the thread. So in fact, YOU are the one perpetuating the situation that YOU are complaining about. I will say what I feel, and you can either deal with it, continue to clog the forum with unnecessary complaining, or move on. I could care less. But be advised, when you or anyone else chooses to throw in some peripheral comment that adds nothing to the discussion, I will comment as I see fit. Understood?    

  • Member since
    December 2005
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by rudy_102 on Saturday, February 4, 2006 10:01 AM
Hey, is the P-40 question answered? I'd like to post a question, but still waiting for the P-40 one to be confirmed.
  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Saturday, February 4, 2006 4:46 AM
My dear boy - I'm sure that I speak for all those who frequent this forum in saying that we're all getting very sick and tired of seeing your abuse of other Forum members - indeed, members who have been here far longer than you - and this abuse must stop.
Think on this - I've had personal email contact with a number of FSM Forum members - long term members, all -  and the general consensus is that this type of abuse is unwanted, unwelcome, and unnecessary. 
I've reported this uncessant abuse, along with details of the personal emails to the FSM Administrators.  Perhaps thay may chose to take some appropriate action.
Honestly, mate - and I think that I speak for all who use this forum - either play nice and quit with the abuse, or just go away and don't come back.  This is supposed to be a nice place to play - and you don't seem to think that way.
And if your intent is to create an air of "unfriendliness" on this forum, with the aim of chasing the users away onto other forums, I think that you're sadly mistaken.  It just ain't gonna work.
So - like I said - just play nice, or just go away.
I'm available at any time for rebuttal - I suggest you use the email link below to refrain from clogging up this thread.
Have a nice day...........Smile [:)]

Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 4, 2006 12:30 AM

 GunnerMan1 wrote:
Well when I see a question I know I will answer to I will post it. Hard to find a question anyhow with all this bickering taking pages and pages up.

Well, if you'll look at the string of posts right before yours, you'll see that there is an open question and legitimate answers. Yet you choose to add nothing of any value whatsoever. It never ceases to amaze me that those who whine and moan about the "bickering" are adding nothing more to the thread than those they are whining about. Again, if the thread doesn't suit your fancy, then you are free to move on. Nobody is forcing you to remain here.  

  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Friday, February 3, 2006 11:10 PM
LOL........well said, sentiments exactly.
I'm with you - I'll keep looking in to see if civility reigns and there's a question that I can answer.
Cheers to you , brother.

Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 3, 2006 8:18 PM
Well when I see a question I know I will answer to I will post it. Hard to find a question anyhow with all this bickering taking pages and pages up.

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 3, 2006 2:03 PM
 T_Terrific wrote:
 hudskit wrote:

I'll give it a whirl- how's about a P-40 question?

What 2 changes to the original P-40 design let to increasing strained relations between it's designer, Don Berlin, and the managing directors of Curtiss aircraft that resulted in Don Berklin's resignation?

I am not trying to aggrivate you hud, by "questining the question" but as I understand it, Don got into it with Jack Northrop, not Curtiss Aircraft.

Per Curtiss Wright's home page, Don Berlin left C-W after the war and became President of Piasecki Aircraft.

See this link:

I would think that "after the war" is a little late to have a falling out over design changes of an aircraft the USAAF no longer wanted. I mean, by then they were already up to the "Q" model which was declined over the P-47 and the P-51's they had.

  Tom T Cowboy [C):-)]


That's not correct. Berlin left to General Motors from Curtiss.

  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted by T_Terrific on Friday, February 3, 2006 1:51 PM
 hudskit wrote:

I'll give it a whirl- how's about a P-40 question?

What 2 changes to the original P-40 design let to increasing strained relations between it's designer, Don Berlin, and the managing directors of Curtiss aircraft that resulted in Don Berklin's resignation?

I am not trying to aggrivate you hud, by "questining the question" but as I understand it, Don got into it with Jack Northrop, not Curtiss Aircraft.

Per Curtiss Wright's home page, Don Berlin left C-W after the war and became President of Piasecki Aircraft.

See this link:

I would think that "after the war" is a little late to have a falling out over design changes of an aircraft the USAAF no longer wanted. I mean, by then they were already up to the "Q" model which was declined over the P-47 and the P-51's they had.

Also, of course, since the P-40 was simply an in-line angine adapted to the P-36 airframe, they would have shared the same wing.

But of course the changes to the P-40 were numerous:

  1. Supercharging the Allison engine.
  2. Deleting the combination of 30's in the wings and 50's in the cowling guns for six 50's in the wings
  3. Enlarging the radiator.
  4. Adding armor
  5. Fitting the 1,300 hp Merlin 28 engine in the "D" model.
  6. "Stretching" the fuselage for the "K" model to increase stability.
  7. The Packard engine in the "L" model.

........just to name a few.


  Tom T Cowboy [C):-)]

Tom TCowboy

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”-Henry Ford

"Except in the fundamentals, think and let think"- J. Wesley

"I am impatient with stupidity, my people have learned to live without it"-Klaatu: "The Day the Earth Stood Still"

"All my men believe in God, they are ordered to"-Adolph Hitler

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 3, 2006 9:09 AM

I'm going to suggest at this time that everyone run out and buy a copy of Robert Fulghum's "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindegarten" because we seem to be having a problem with folks respecting each other's space in this particular sandbox.

Be advised that persistent personal attacks will not be tolerated.  If you don't have anything of substance to add to the subject matter of a thread, then don't add anything.

  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Friday, February 3, 2006 7:13 AM

LOL........gotta love it........even if your point was somewhat cryptic.
Have a good day, mate


Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 3, 2006 6:43 AM
 leemitcheltree wrote:

LOL..........good one, Scott........sorry, mate, but it appears that you have completely missed the intent of my post about this thread - I LIKE this thread........and have, thus far, had absolutely no idea what any of the correct answers have been, so I've been unable to post an answer.  Such is life. 
But I'm learning minutiae - that useless information that clogs up our heads - and having fun doing it.
The point I was trying to make was there are individuals who feel slighted about the apparent "rules" applying to obtaining information or searching for the answers to these trivia questions - rules (free-for-all rules, to be sure) that apparently apply to all - and they're whining and moaning about it, ad nauseum. 
I wasn't moaning about the content of this forum in general, or this thread in specific.......I was expressing my feelings about someone having a cry and whining because he didn't like the rules.........rules of a game he can choose to play or not play.
Surely, as adults, we have the opportunity to make choices - and surely, one can choose to be happy, or one can choose to take exception to all and sundry and  whine and moan and end up living a miserable life.
Life is too short, isn't it?

Of course there are no rules. But when you are playing a so-called trivia game, and someone decides to go do a google search, or worse yet CALL SOMEBODY, well, that just kind of ruins the intent. Nobody is telling anyone what they can and can't do, just ridiculing those who ruin it for everyone. If everyone did that, it would simply be a game of who can google something up the fastest. That would be ridiculous, agreed? 

And my comment to you was, respectfully, that yes, anyone can play any way they want, and anyone else can comment on their sportsmanship. This is a forum, and by it's very nature is open to comments, complaints, etc. of all types. We're all free to say what we want as long as we don't go beyond the limits of the group rules.


  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Friday, February 3, 2006 3:22 AM

LOL..........good one, Scott........sorry, mate, but it appears that you have completely missed the intent of my post about this thread - I LIKE this thread........and have, thus far, had absolutely no idea what any of the correct answers have been, so I've been unable to post an answer.  Such is life. 
But I'm learning minutiae - that useless information that clogs up our heads - and having fun doing it.
The point I was trying to make was there are individuals who feel slighted about the apparent "rules" applying to obtaining information or searching for the answers to these trivia questions - rules (free-for-all rules, to be sure) that apparently apply to all - and they're whining and moaning about it, ad nauseum. 
I wasn't moaning about the content of this forum in general, or this thread in specific.......I was expressing my feelings about someone having a cry and whining because he didn't like the rules.........rules of a game he can choose to play or not play.
Surely, as adults, we have the opportunity to make choices - and surely, one can choose to be happy, or one can choose to take exception to all and sundry and  whine and moan and end up living a miserable life.
Life is too short, isn't it?


Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 2, 2006 9:26 PM
 hudskit wrote:

I'll give it a whirl- how's about a P-40 question?

What 2 changes to the original P-40 design let to increasing strained relations between it's designer, Don Berlin, and the managing directors of Curtiss aircraft that resulted in Don Berklin's resignation?

Bonus points- what project  aircraft did Don Berlin then go on to manage?

                       what aircraft did the P-40 share it's wing design with?

Pure speculation: relocation of cockpit forward, and relocation of glycol cooling scoop to under the nose instead of the belly.

I think he went to Republic and was involved with the P-47

Curtiss P-36

Am I close on any of them?

  • Member since
    December 2005
Posted by hudskit on Thursday, February 2, 2006 9:18 PM

I'll give it a whirl- how's about a P-40 question?

What 2 changes to the original P-40 design let to increasing strained relations between it's designer, Don Berlin, and the managing directors of Curtiss aircraft that resulted in Don Berklin's resignation?

Bonus points- what project  aircraft did Don Berlin then go on to manage?

                       what aircraft did the P-40 share it's wing design with?

This whole workin' for a living thing does get in the way of so many things....
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:25 PM

 GunnerMan1 wrote:
I thought this was a trivia quiz not a whos after who quiz?

OK, then ask or answer a trivia question... I guess I don't understand everyone chiming in with their two cents worth, when you are not participating in the topic any more than those you are complaining about.  

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:15 PM
I thought this was a trivia quiz not a whos after who quiz?
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:10 PM
 leemitcheltree wrote:

Holy crap!  Would you listen to yourselves?  I'm assuming that all members who have posted are consenting adults with at least a modicum of intelligence...........
Guys, if you don't like the format, DON'T PLAY and stay away.  If you like this thread and the mental excercise required to find the answer, go for it and have a ball!
But to moan and whine about people going out of their way to find the answer to a question that they don't know but show an interest in finding........ isn't life a little too short to demand that everyone on the Forum march to the beat of your drum?

Again, it's like a book you don't want to read, a television show that you're not interested in, a radio program that you don't like..............well, you don't have to participate, do you?  If you don't like it, have fun doing something else and stop wasting everyone's time.

Might I suggest that you take your own advice, and if YOU don't happen to like the posts in this forum, wander off to one that suits your liking a little better.

  • Member since
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  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Thursday, February 2, 2006 7:55 PM

Holy crap!  Would you listen to yourselves?  I'm assuming that all members who have posted are consenting adults with at least a modicum of intelligence...........
Guys, if you don't like the format, DON'T PLAY and stay away.  If you like this thread and the mental excercise required to find the answer, go for it and have a ball!
But to moan and whine about people going out of their way to find the answer to a question that they don't know but show an interest in finding........ isn't life a little too short to demand that everyone on the Forum march to the beat of your drum?

Again, it's like a book you don't want to read, a television show that you're not interested in, a radio program that you don't like..............well, you don't have to participate, do you?  If you don't like it, have fun doing something else and stop wasting everyone's time.

Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 2, 2006 5:18 PM
Okay, okay, I admit this is hilarious--a bunch of grown men, and dweeb plastic modelers at that--acting like it's the shootout at the OK Corral, but I'm surprised: all of the respectable bulletin board/discussion groups I've participated in have moderators that, when things reach this stage, simply pull the plug on the thread.  I should think Fine Scale Modeler magazine would at least have a professional checking the site to keep stuff like this from going over the top, since the members themselves don't seem able to.

Take it out into the alley, boys.

  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted by T_Terrific on Thursday, February 2, 2006 4:50 PM

Let's see;

"If it looks like a ___,walks like a ____, talks like a ____, by jingo, it just really might be one!"

I am not sure why a certain member continues to post nasty remarks about me, when I have abstained from making remarks directly to or about him or answering regarding his constant string of insults he has for me?????????

Can someone "clue me in" here?

It almost looks as though someone might have found a shoe that fit in my list above and can't get it out of his mouth!!!!!!!!!???????????

I guess I just don't respond correctly to bullying Sad [:(]

  Tom T Cowboy [C):-)]


Constantly coming in here, focusing on a single person, and coming off like a sadistic attack dog does not seem to exactly reflect a healthy mental balance.

Tom TCowboy

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”-Henry Ford

"Except in the fundamentals, think and let think"- J. Wesley

"I am impatient with stupidity, my people have learned to live without it"-Klaatu: "The Day the Earth Stood Still"

"All my men believe in God, they are ordered to"-Adolph Hitler

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 2, 2006 1:08 PM

"moles"? You are obviously a very bitter and paranoid old man, and for that I truly feel sorry for you. I am also sorry you have to send me private messages accusing me of being from some other group that is out to get you. Do you really think you're that important?

Tom, I hope that you are able to get a hold on yourself, or get help to do it. Your angst and psychotic paranoia is going to get unhealthy in a hurry if you don't find some way to curb it.

  • Member since
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  • From: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted by T_Terrific on Thursday, February 2, 2006 12:18 PM

 wdolson2 wrote:

Now that I've said my piece, I'm going to drop this.  I might continue to contribute to the trivia, but I'm not interested in arguing about the answers.


Neither am I Bill, and I wish to thank you for our candid statement.

In my feeble attempt to apologize, I have sent you a PM, instead of tying up this forum with all sorts of non-applicable/off-topic "dirty laundry".

  Tom T Cowboy [C):-)]

Tom TCowboy

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”-Henry Ford

"Except in the fundamentals, think and let think"- J. Wesley

"I am impatient with stupidity, my people have learned to live without it"-Klaatu: "The Day the Earth Stood Still"

"All my men believe in God, they are ordered to"-Adolph Hitler

  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted by T_Terrific on Thursday, February 2, 2006 12:04 PM

" Deal"?  

Just to set the record straight for myself as well, I do not make deals with schoolyard bullies, moles, trolls, would-be barnyard roosters, or anyone else that has an obvious "chip on his shoulder" for me to knock off.

I am not necessarily referring to anyone in particular here, but if the shoe fits someone, you know my personal policy.

  Tom T Cowboy [C):-)]

Tom TCowboy

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”-Henry Ford

"Except in the fundamentals, think and let think"- J. Wesley

"I am impatient with stupidity, my people have learned to live without it"-Klaatu: "The Day the Earth Stood Still"

"All my men believe in God, they are ordered to"-Adolph Hitler


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