I try to avoid using the word "model" when I tell someone new what my hobby is.
"I biuld static displays of.....(insert topic such as historical aircraft,etc)" or
"I build scale replicas of....(again, insert topic)"
Generally the conversation stops there as they don't have a clue how to respond.
If they do ask something like "what do you build them out of?" I tell them that I usually
start with a kit and add from there. This is basically true as I do add paint,glue,time,
effort,blood sweat and tears . The blood and tears are added every time my hobby
knife rolls off my work table and lands point down in my thigh or foot. I haven't quite
figured out how the lite end (blade) always ends up pointing down but it must have
something to do with "the modelers curse" that also includes flying and disappearing parts.