I'm talking about starting on a kit and something happens that you end up putting it aside and don't get back to it until much later than you planned.
Modeler's block? Some technique issue? Lost or missing parts?
My worst case is a ST:TNG Enterprise-D I started on years ago. I had a grand scheme for lighting it like one I'd seen in FSM years before, but using lightsheet instead of the mini-fluorescent lantern lights used in the article, properly opened windows instead of the pinpoint lights of the fiber optic kit.
Do you have any idea how many windows are on that thing? Now imagine going frame-by-frame on the movies to mark which ones are lit ( about 60% of all the ones on the kit ) and drilling an average of 3 holes per window ( by hand, with a pin vise ) to prepare them for carving to the right shape.
I think it added up to about 4000 holes drilled and by then I was so sick of dealing with the thing, I put it in storage and still haven't gotten back to it. I still plan to once I get the supplies and electronics design together.
Anyone else?