If a computer is frustrating to use, blame the software designers who created the GUI interface we all use.
matter how wide the computer hardware bus, how many "zillions" of instructions a
CPU can process, doesn't even matter if the computer is an Apple, the
old saying from punch card days still applies:
"Garbage in, Garbage out".
Computer aided design will only create an accurate or better kit if the input information is correct.
However, when modern technology is properly used in the creation of a kit, far better quality kits and accessories can be made now than ever before..
As I became an adult before the first "personal computer" appeared in the 1970s, I have experienced the hobby with and without computers.
I much prefer today's computer aided hobby.
Though I do not yet use CAD to create kit parts, I do use computers to access and store model related photos and data.
Graphics software, blank decal sheets, scanners and personal printers have made custom decals possible.
Someday I hope to use CAD /CAM and a 3D Printer for making detail parts.
I have been able to obtain information on the internet about aircraft details that I never could have obtained prior to the advent of the personal computer.
Al things considered, I would say computers have definitely improved the hobby.