well this is getting annoyingly interesting.
i am a technical illustrator and a graphics artist which seems oddly similar to the realism and artistic thoughts on modeling. what that means is i professionally draw for accuracy UNLESS it doesn't look right or convey the correct information in the training manual. than i get a little artsy so the student understands the drawing.
as i menrtioned earlier i gravitate towards the arttistic side when it comes to painting and weathering, hopefully with some common sense thrown in because that is part of the fun.
I have used weathering and excess stowage to cover "mistakes" and I HAVE DONE IT 1-1 SCALE. we had a desert camo scheme on my tanks when i got to germany. we had to have 30% sand so, when we repainted, we looked at our load plans and painted all those areas sand that would be covered by track blocks, road wheels, duffle bags, etc. guess that counts as hiding "mistakes."
i have had modern tanks, even my new A2s, look pink after 3 weeks in the field in a red clay area, thick mud on the underside and dinged fenders. after the wash rack and a good cleaning they look pristine on the pad. funny though on the pad the end conectors, steel wear plates and metal parts of the track are rusty. in the field in the dirt and mud there is no rust on the running gear.
a T-34 that survived Kursk and the counterattacks afterwards would be a tad more weathered than one rolling out of the tank factory at Stalingrad to be destroyed 2 blocks up the road.
a Toyoda pickup in my driveway certainly iless beat up than a Libyan rebel technical.
SO i will continue to enjoy the WIPs of both sides of the issue, learn new stuff, try new techniques, and keep what i like. i will continue to post WIPs, welcome constructive critiscism and suggestions, and improve. i don't have any national awards but in the last 2 years i have a number of regional ones which is an indication my modeling is improving because, in part, to the information here (and from doing some of the less frequented categories i like to build in.[8-|)
a suggestion. try building dinosaurs. no one really knows what they looked like so anything is possible. (shameless plug for a GB)