That's great. Tomcat.
Myself, however am having to reluctantly bow out as I have managed to get rather a severe chest infection and am not really up to building anything at the moment as I am just feeling too ill.
I am now on some powerful antibiotics and the docs orders are rest, relax, sleep, hot drinks and no alcohol plus some pain killers to help. It should just take a week or so to fend this off even with a bad heart and although some extra recovery on the far side may be in order I won't have the time to finish the build. The Miniart Treibflugel is quite a simple build and I have got quite a way with it I just don't feel up to it at this moment in time.
Maybe further on when the antibiotics have got a grip and are doing their job and I am feeling much more better than the death warmed up I might join in, or just log this as a quick simple build.
Sorry about this chaps, but you should all steam ahead with the builds and have some fun!