I've seen some Japanese modeling channels on YouTube, too, that are very good. One is associated with a Japanese TV show about hobbies-PlaMo, I think it's called. I watched one modeler build the Trumpeter 1/350 Lexington in his bedroom-his apartment must be like those Japanese hotels made up of single cubbies. Built it and airbrushed it, at a 2'x2' desk, with no spray booth, and he didn't spill a drop, either.
As far as a preference goes, for video content or not, I suspect that age may be a factor, too. If you're my age (b 1964), you might tend to prefer content in print-books, magazines, photocopies, etc.
I know that I can use either print or video, but I prefer a live interaction to either. A hands-on demo is better for me, because I can ask questions and get a live answer in real time.
Also, I can't watch online content at my bench. I still have a hard Internet connection, no wireless router, so I can't take my laptop to the bench and watch an online video while I work. I'm probably in a minority today, but it is what it is.
So again, there's already a lot of online content presented builds, which is great. If you want to make one, that's great, too, go for it.