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Professional Wood Model Ships(Modern)1940 to Today -- Detail Missing. In a lot of Scales!

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  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Professional Wood Model Ships(Modern)1940 to Today -- Detail Missing. In a lot of Scales!
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 11:41 AM

Hey, Ya'll:

     I was just cruising a group of sites that dealt with the Titled Subject. Surprise! Surprise! 1,200 to over 4,500 bucks in price! Guess what was missing on better than 75% of these very Expensive and Fancy Looking Models. Yes, they varied in scale from 1/400 to 1/96! Can you guess what the missing part was? Betchya Can't!

     Well, here's the answer. Wait for it! All that I saw, and there was quite a few. They all had Stairs for sure. But, from the Super cruise ships, Military vessels and Freight ships there was an important detail that for some reason they all missed. Have you ever seen inclined ladders(Ship Talk) (Stairs to the LandLubber!) Without Handrails of some sort? Yup, Over 90% of the models had the Stairs but none had Handrails on them!

     Can you imagine? You are on a cruise. The ship gets hit by a little bit offside wave.The Ship rolls and the Stabs catch it and steady her. But there's a little jolt before the stabs react. (What are you doing at that very minute?) Holding on to the handrail of course! Did you know that some paper models print Flat stairways and don't include them either. Many do, like Revell and Renwal used to do both the Stairs with rather heavy rails( No Matter the subject.)  Then The Inca Stairs, So Called because of their appearance against the Bulkhead( Walls to lubbers).

     Now all you know I will go on about visible details being right! This one for me is a No Brainer. Why? It just don't look natural, Not at all. Especially for that price range, ya think? Sure many folks say well, if they are there so what?  Well, it's the overall look that is ruined, to me! Why? Well, even in photos those details are seen from many angles. So to me they should be on there in one fashion or another. I even use P.E. equipment like this on paper models to do away with the printed Wall type rails and Such.Why, It just makes them look more complete!

     I know I go on about stuff, But this is and ongoing gripe about those supposed professional Models. Your input on this would be appreciated.I want to see if I am alone on this. By the way  Have You airplane Nuts ever seen a wood Model with a nice cockpit ( No Figure and No Stick) Betchya Have. Expensive too! 


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