Here's a few pictures showing off my work area. There's still some work to do, as I'm still trying to 'fit' into a new room, a new house. This is the second attempt at making my space in this new house and I feel better already, though I still need a bit of extra light (a neon tube on the wall over the desk).
Here's a wider view showing off the second 'hot' desk, normally used by the Mrs or the kids. Both the Panther and the Gladiator are the Mrs' s latest projects. Above tha desk, on the wall, the board hold another 15 or so projects of mine...
Here's a part of my reference collection, with a few kits that I recentlt bought and haven't found their way somewhere else for semi-permanent storage! On show here are the main book collection, and on the left, the magazine collection (all indexed! - the index file can be seen in the lower left corner of the first pic.)
And here's the other part of the reference stuff. The files at the top and in the middle contans numerous bits of info taken from the web; the larger files at the bottom numerous scale drawings of past, present or future jobs for my customers. The PC is located just behind this book shelf.