Through my girlfriend's voluntary work I befriended a lady who worked for De Havilland during the war, where she was a "dope girl", primarily repairing the fabric sections of Hurricanes and Rapides.
As she had taken the time to talk to me about her work there (in great detail - she even remembers the gauges and length of linen required) and other anecdotes, I returned the favour by building a Hurricane model for her. She lives in assisted accomodation, so has had to sacrifice a lot of her personal mementos of those times.
It was only my fourth airplane model since getting into the hobby "for real", but I made the effort to get a decent base and plaque done at a local trophy shop, put some love into it, and marked it up as a plane from a squadron which did have repairs done at Witney.
It's probably my favorite model so far. Shame in a way that I gave it away, but she absolutely adores it