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Phycological Profile

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  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Exit 7a NJ Turnpike
Posted by RAF120 on Saturday, November 1, 2003 5:34 PM
The average modeler:
1) male
2) 6'3"
3) blond
4) blue eyes
5) 210lbs
6) perfect teeth
7) 6 figure salary
8) drives a 6 fig. price tag car
9) has a whole room just for modeling
10) His blond 120 lbs wife also models in her own room
11) has another room just for refrence material.

So anyone fitting this discription raise your handLaugh [(-D]
Trevor Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?
  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Central MI
Posted by therriman on Saturday, November 1, 2003 6:58 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by RAF120

The average modeler:
1) male
2) 6'3"
3) blond
4) blue eyes
5) 210lbs
6) perfect teeth
7) 6 figure salary
8) drives a 6 fig. price tag car
9) has a whole room just for modeling
10) His blond 120 lbs wife also models in her own room
11) has another room just for refrence material.

So anyone fitting this discription raise your handLaugh [(-D]

Yep, that's me allright!!!Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D] (to the mirror)

OK, OK, wife says I can't have anymore beer tonight untill I fess up.

I fit #1(male), & #9 (whole room just for modeling)--- OK, it is a basement and I have to share with W&D.

And everytime I suggest to the wife that she do a model the side of my head starts to hurt for some reason.
Tim H. "If your alone and you meet a Zero, run like hell. Your outnumbered" Capt Joe Foss, Guadalcanal 1942 Real Trucks have 18 wheels. Anything less is just a Toy! I am in shape. Hey, Round is a shape! Reality is a concept not yet proven.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 1, 2003 10:08 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by RAF120

The average modeler:
1) male CHECK
2) 6'3" HOW BOUT 5'11"
4) blue eyes CHECK
6) perfect teeth I LOVE CANDY...
7) 6 figure salary WHAT,DID YOU SKIP A DECIMAL?
8) drives a 6 fig. price tag car 1987 HONDA CIVIC... COULD BE 6 FIGURES IN YEN??
9) has a whole room just for modeling NO ROOM RIGHT NOW...
10) His blond 120 lbs wife also models in her own room BRUNETTE!
11) has another room just for refrence material. NOPE.

So anyone fitting this discription raise your handLaugh [(-D]
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 9, 2003 10:07 AM
Well I'm 58 and I'm really starting to enjoy life, near retirement and I'm just a big KID, so my wife says. Ohhhhhhh well!!!!!!!!! You're only a kid twice in lifeBig Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 28, 2003 12:53 AM
Believe me, that ink blot thing doesn't work. This one shrink I saw I thought I was seeing pics from an airshow. At another I was looking at armor tread and muzzle flash patterns. Well this got me sent to a third. I asked the dude where he got the pics of all the haze patterns for US warships in WWII. I made them all mad I'm being committed. LOL
  • Member since
    December 2003
  • From: 37deg 40.13' N 95deg 29.10'W
Posted by scottrc on Monday, December 29, 2003 10:34 AM
Lets see, what am I???
I have a collection of matchbox cars on the self in my work area. (I'm 36 years old)
I shop at K&B toys and claim I'm shopping for the kid.
I'm and introvert
I'm an engineer
I believe in Star Trek
I have the Discovery Planes and History Channel as the only two channels programmed in my cable box.
All my vacations are planned around museums, hobbyshops, and airshows.
I can spend hours in a Art/Craft, Beauty Supply, or Fabric store wondering how I can adapt their merchandise to aid in my modeling.
Same goes with Home Depot and Lows.
I know what every line is called and is used for on a 19th century 1st rate ship of the line, the CV designation of every carrier in the US Navy, can tell the differences between an F4U-1 and F4U-5N, yet cannot remember how to give you directions to my house.
I will buy generic dog food, skip a root canal, and drive on three bald tires and only one brake so I can afford the PE set for my latest project.
I have all my hair, it's just moving to my back.
I have a 6 digit figure mortgage, to afford the extra two rooms for my models.
My wife is 105, Brunette, and I think married me to fullfill a requirement for her psychology degree.
I can build, rig and paint 36" long frigate in 18 months, but will take me 12 years to finish painting my house.
I can airbrush in my sleep.

  • Member since
    February 2003
  • From: Medina, Ohio
Posted by wayne baker on Monday, December 29, 2003 11:34 AM
The wife gave me a shirt for Christmas proclaiming me a trophy husband. Who needs anything else?

 I may get so drunk, I have to crawl home. But dammit, I'll crawl like a Marine.

  • Member since
    October 2003
  • From: New Hampshire, USA
Posted by link955 on Monday, December 29, 2003 6:02 PM
I spent 17 years working as a psychiatric nurse, and I can tell you there is no such word as "typical"... or "normal" for that matter. I will say this: the folks I know who are "serious" hobbyists-- meaning they spend a substantial amount of time, money and/or effort in pursuit of the hobby-- whether it's modeling, woodworking, carving decoys, collecting train numbers or whatever, may seem a bit odd to some but are (in my experience) among the most well-adjusted individuals around. My guess is we all have an outlet for our stress, and as I pointed out on another posting, it's hard to concentrate on what's bothering you if you're in the middle of numerous repetitive assemblies (as we armor modelers know well). The distraction is relaxing and clears your thinking, often allowing you to discover solutions to your difficulties. As a matter of fact, we often recommended a hobby of some sort to our psych patients (and no, not basket-weaving, either). Relaxation pursuits are also part of the usual care-plan for heart-attack patients.
On a personal level, modeling is just one of my hobbies, although granted it is by far my most serious; I also paint, draw, take pictures, do computer enhancements and restorations of photographs, and read. So am I "typical?" I don't know. Should I worry about being labeled for my interests? I think not. Neither should you.Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]
By the way, Happy New Year to allBig Smile [:D]
Ne cede malis (Latin: Yield not to misfortune)
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Rowland Heights, California
Posted by Duke Maddog on Saturday, January 3, 2004 1:33 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Murray Kish

Here's an observation I've made:

- put a bunch of model builders in a 'forum' like this and you won't be able to shut them up. Some of the nicest, most sincere, and interesting people you will ever meet. Always willing to reach out to a fellow modeller and offer advice and/or support whether or not it's related to models, or just life in general.
- put 'em in a big room together (in real life) and you'll hardly hear a peep out of them. There are obviously exceptions to this, but in general my observation is that they are hard to get to know (in person).

Personal observations.


QUOTE: Originally posted by djmodels1999

I think you are right Murray... But put models on the table and pass beer around and things will get a little moe intimate soon...

Actually, that isn't true in my model club's experience. Since the first day I started going there, all the modelers that attend never shutup! In fact, the biggest complaint at our meetings is that there is too much talking going on during presentations and seminars! We are seriously looking into a microphone sound system just to be heard! AND, there is no beer present, but there are models, since we have both a model contest at each meeting. There is also a show-and-tell table where we display Works in Progress to talk about them or request assistance/ideas for where to go from where we are in the build.

Everyone not a modeler may look at us funny, but on the whole I think we are a happier, more educated, coordinated, and helpful bunch of people who are slow to judge those who make a sincere effort at anything they do in life.

Just my My 2 cents [2c]
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, January 3, 2004 3:24 PM
I can't believe my husband told people I eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. It all started in a galaxy a long time ago when I was younger and pregnant and had a strange midnight craving..Blush [:I]

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