Hey guys
I've finally got around to starting the USMC UH-1N build I was talking up on here a couple of years ago...
I'm using the Italeri 1/48 AB212/UH-1N kit as a base, I am adding 7 shot M260 rocket pods from CMK kits (they look better than the Revell UH-1 kit pods I was going to use), and 1 Armycast UH-60 M134 minigun (with PE flex chutes, not sure how I'll get on with those, and resin ammo boxes), and 1 Italeri Ma Deuce (from a MH-60G kit) along with scratchbuilidng/kitbashing the mountings...
Hopefully the minigun/ma deuce/rocket pod assemblies will look something like this -
Now that I've started though I've got a few questions re. the interior, and I know there's a lot of you guys on here (particularly Rotorwash, Melguyver and HeavyArty) that know your Hueys.
I've not really got any pictures of a USMC UH-1N interior, and also as I plan on mine being one with markings/colour of a 70's/80's UH-1N (i.e. in Field Green with white markings) I'm wondering if I'm barking up the wrong tree by looking at photos of modern-ish UH-1N's, the grey scheme ones?
Can anyone provide some good shots of a UH-1N interior, so far all I've found are 2 on a walkaround here, but they don't show the very rear of the cabin behind the doors?
Should I be painting my interior the usual grey (Vallejo Model Air 050 is what I normally use)?