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FINISHED PICS!! --page 6 -- Castle Neuschwanstein

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  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 22, 2008 1:07 PM
doog, the paint job you did on this thing never ceases to amaze me...some really artistic painting on this one...5 stars all the way...And the colors all look right under the different light...IMO, this rivals some of your best armor work...WOW...
  • Member since
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  • From: AusTx, Live Music Capitol of the World
Posted by SteveM on Saturday, November 22, 2008 1:33 PM

3 things I think about when looking at this project, doog:

- the realism for such a tiny scale (I should mention here that the idea of black construction paper blocking out the light is fasntastically, brilliantly simple, andI would never have even thought to do that)

- what can't you model?

- I want to get back to Germany really badly. Unfortunately, germans aren't as into Americana rock as they were back in the late 90's.



Steve M.

On the workbench: ginormous Kharkov dio


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Posted by the doog on Saturday, November 22, 2008 2:17 PM

Aw, Manny and Steve--thanks for being so kind! Big Smile [:D]

I have to say that I was pretty pleased at the way the colors turned out!

Steve--I don't think you'll see me doingany sci-fi kits or ships anytime soon! But hey; one never knows?! Big Smile [:D]

  • Member since
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  • From: Dayton, Ohio
Posted by warhorse3 on Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:24 PM
Just saw this Doog and all I can say is WQW!!!Bow [bow]. I have no doubt that with your skills even a 1/700 destroyer would be a challenge that would result in yet another of your works of art.
Regards, Bill
  • Member since
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  • From: Nashotah, WI
Posted by Glamdring on Saturday, November 22, 2008 4:08 PM
Great work Doog!  The thing I like the most is that it is a unique kit.  I wish the Doyusha castle kits were released again so they might be a little easier to find.


"I can't get ahead no matter how hard I try, I'm gettin' really good at barely gettin' by"

  • Member since
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  • From: Willow Oaks Compound / Model Bunker
Posted by razorboy on Saturday, November 22, 2008 4:22 PM
Very nice doog, great job.
  • Member since
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Posted by the doog on Saturday, November 22, 2008 4:38 PM

Thanks, Warhorse, and Robert!

I don't know about a ship any time soon, Warhorse--still too many tanks to deplete in my stash! Tongue [:P]

"Unique" it certainly is, Robert! Personally, I think it would be cool to do an entie line of famous castles! Even some cool "ruins"! I'd be busy for years! LOL!

Well, here's another update of what I got done today--TREES!!!

Here is a photo of the groundwork, airbrushed to add some more texture and to tone down the delineations of color somewhat:

Here's the trees I'm using--gotta love those Woodland Scenics products!

Starting in--there's the glue I use, and some of the pieces..

dip one into the pool of glue,...

and tamp it down...that's really all there is to it. This glue is so thick, it bonds it pretty strongly.

..some trees needed to be drilled into the base and fixed with superglue..


...bend the trunk to make it stand up straight..

The back of the castle have more conifers...

Here's where I am so far--the glue is still wet in some places....admittedly, the trees look a bit haggard yet--I have a plan to fix that. I'll trim them up and fill them out a bit more after the glue dries. But --- enjoy!

Some "forced perspective" shots--just like you're there! 

Well, Jenn's staying over tonight, so I won't have any time to do anythingmore til tomorrow, late afternoon...maybe I can finish it by Monday? 

OH yeah--gotta modify and paint up those 1/350 figures yet too...I hope I can make them work?

Thanks for looking guys!!!! Big Smile [:D]




  • Member since
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  • From: The Green "Mountains", Vermont
Posted by IanIsBored2000 on Saturday, November 22, 2008 5:01 PM
Wow! Haven't been around in a while, and it's looking fantastic.  I think one of the most impressive parts about your work, Doog, is the variety.  I've seen some guys build some ridiculously realistic aircraft or lifelike vignettes, but I've seen you do figures, animals, armor, autos, and now castles, all with the same meticulous attention to detail.  Keep it up...this one's looking great.
"Scanlon: work your knobby hands on the table in front of you, constructing a make-beleive bomb to blow up a make-beleive world."
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  • From: Iowa
Posted by Hans von Hammer on Saturday, November 22, 2008 6:27 PM
Outstanding work, Doog...

  • Member since
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  • From: AusTx, Live Music Capitol of the World
Posted by SteveM on Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:05 PM


That just looks incredible, doog! Incredible!!  (can I have it?)




Steve M.

On the workbench: ginormous Kharkov dio


  • Member since
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  • From: N.H.
Posted by panzerguy on Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:45 PM
  Bravo doog, a magnificent job!  Just wondering you two haven't been to Mount Rushmore or the pyramids of Egypt have youWink [;)]?     

"Happiness is a belt fed weapon"

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  • From: Indiana
Posted by hkshooter on Saturday, November 22, 2008 10:36 PM
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  • From: New Jersey, USA
Posted by Nick Nasta on Sunday, November 23, 2008 5:24 AM
Your micro skills are off the charts!
It appears life size in your photos.
What a beautiful illusion your castle is.
I would of gone totally blind if I made that kit. lol
Great work!

Dioramas Dedicated To All Veterans, Past & Present

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  • From: Spartanburg, SC
Posted by subfixer on Sunday, November 23, 2008 9:39 PM
 Great job, doog, this is the first that I've been able to view your images as our computers at the base don't allow photobucket to work. I have been reading all of the descriptions and accolades until now and going crazy to see what all of the hullaballoo was about. Another one of your masterpieces, Jenn is going to be all blubbery when she sees it.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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Posted by the doog on Sunday, November 23, 2008 9:52 PM

Well, thanks a million, guys, for all the kind compliments and praise! Blush [:I]

I'm finished with this, and will post the finished pics tomorrow. 

The 1/350 figures didn't work out--but luckily, the 1/220 figgys did--there were some shorter figures in the group of 100 that I got, and they look just fine! 

I'm actually "modifying: them right now to look like me and Jenn--I'll see you tomorrow with the finished pics!  Big Smile [:D]..........Zzz [zzz]

  • Member since
    February 2005
  • From: Nashotah, WI
Posted by Glamdring on Monday, November 24, 2008 8:54 AM
 the doog wrote:

The 1/350 figures didn't work out--but luckily, the 1/220 figgys did--there were some shorter figures in the group of 100 that I got, and they look just fine! 

Be sure to save the 1/350 figures for the Bismarck or Yamato that you are bound to build someday.   Big Smile [:D]



"I can't get ahead no matter how hard I try, I'm gettin' really good at barely gettin' by"

  • Member since
    January 2007
Posted by the doog on Monday, November 24, 2008 12:45 PM

TA DA!!! 

Here it is--DONE!

To finish it, I wanted to add some more fullness to the trees and their leaves, as well as fill in the groundwork to reflect the fallen leaves in their respective coors. To do this, I mixed up a couple different mixes of colors--some are straight bright colors, othrs are mixed in with brown groundwork. 

To adhere them, I simply sprayed the vegetation with Dullcoat, and sprinkled the powders carefully onto the trees and ground--that's all there was to it, really, I did two or three passes.

Afterward, It added body to, and brought into harmony the ground and the different colored trees. I sealed it all with another coat of dullcoat.

And yes--there's me and Jenn, just about to enter our beloved Neischwanstein! Tongue [:P] And coming up the walk there is the castle beagle, "Sunset Snoopy the IIIrd"--what's a csatle without a Castle Beagle? LOL! 

I even tried to simulate the painting on the main building that you see when you first walk in.

More pics, more angles...

And Hans stepped in with his "Sturmbottel" of Red Brown paint to provide some scale; thank you, Hans...

Man, it's just like we could walk back in!..I think that the scale turned out pretty close, don't you? What do you think, guys?

OK; enough talking...enjoy the rest of the shots!

And that's "Eddie"--the castle Great Dane marking his territory under the tree--Jenn would want a Great Dane; she's always telling me that they're "great apartment doogs!" LOL! Uh....we'll talk about it, honey....! Wink [;)]

And here's some perspective shots, next to my 'Bee, and my 1/35 Revell JagdpanzerKanone...

Well, that's it guys! 

Apologies to dial-up users! Whistling [:-^] And thanks to anybody coming over to have a looksee from Armor! I'll be back there in no time at all--I've already broken into the stash and have some plastic flying! Big Smile [:D]

Comments, questions, and crit's always welcomed and appreciated!


  • Member since
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  • From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted by zokissima on Monday, November 24, 2008 1:02 PM
Wow, what a marvelous piece of work. Doubly so with that tamiya paint jar, demonstrating scale. Impressive.
  • Member since
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  • From: Iowa
Posted by Hans von Hammer on Monday, November 24, 2008 1:07 PM

Simply amazing... Your work is, well.... Damn... Don't have a word...


  • Member since
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  • From: Cygnus X-1
Posted by ogrejohn on Monday, November 24, 2008 1:10 PM

Wow! That is some beautiful work doog! The figures and beagle really add a lot to the scene.


  • Member since
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  • From: Inland Northwest
Posted by Summit on Monday, November 24, 2008 1:23 PM
Not much else that can be said that hasn't Thumbs Up [tup]Thumbs Up [tup] ! The Jenn and Doog figure along with the canines give it Real "Personality"! Thanks for sharing another Fantastic Build....
Sean "I've reached nearly fifty years of age with my system." Weekend GB 2008
  • Member since
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  • From: New Jersey, USA
Posted by Nick Nasta on Monday, November 24, 2008 1:51 PM
It boggles the mind!

Dioramas Dedicated To All Veterans, Past & Present

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  • From: Boston MA
Posted by vespa boy on Monday, November 24, 2008 2:24 PM
Great work on this one Doog. The trees really make the model, and the figures make it personal. A great combo.

This ain't no Mudd Club, or C.B.G.B.,
I ain't got time for that now

  • Member since
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  • From: Ypsilanti, MI
Posted by MIflyer on Monday, November 24, 2008 3:48 PM

Wow Karl... this is awesome! Shock [:O]

You're certainly a great armor builder, but I like this better than anything I've ever seen you build before. Maybe it's because I just enjoy seeing something "different" on the forums, but seriously... what incredible work. You've put as much care and skill into this as anything else you've built - and your girl will be able to tell, if she's anything like mine. Wink [;)]

Making it an "autumn" scene worked out great... all those bright colors in the trees really liven up the white castle walls. It really came to life for me once the trees were in place. And those little figures look great... they are what really lend the sense of scale to the whole scene.

Jenn is gonna FREAK when she sees it... Good job dude! Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup] Make a Toast [#toast]


Kevin Johnson    Ypsilanti, Michigan USA

On the bench: 1/72 Fujimi Ki-36 J-BAAR

  • Member since
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  • From: N.H.
Posted by panzerguy on Monday, November 24, 2008 4:36 PM

 Beautiful work doog. Especially when you see how small this is. When I saw the pics looking up at the castle and if I had not seen it next to the other models I would have sworn it was much larger.


   I know a doog that's gonna get its belly scratchedBow [bow]

"Happiness is a belt fed weapon"

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  • From: Wherever the hunt takes me
Posted by Boba Fett on Monday, November 24, 2008 4:42 PM
OMG! This is amazing! I can't believe it! This just blows my mind! The fall groundwork really adds to the finish. The figgies seem to be a tad tall but it still looks authentic. If the company made the figures at the right scale, The castle would be 100% perfect (oh, heck, you get 100 anyway!) By the way, Doog, I would start watching your posts closely. Matthew Usher might want to eliminate you so his job stays safe!Laugh [(-D] I still say that you would make a fantastic addition to FSM's kit reviews!

  • Member since
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  • From: Kristiansund, Norway
Posted by Huxy on Monday, November 24, 2008 5:45 PM
That's the best.. I don't have words... wow.... Shy [8)]

"Every War Starts And Ends With An Invasion".

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  • From: Spartanburg, SC
Posted by subfixer on Monday, November 24, 2008 5:47 PM

I just can't praise you enough. You really know how to get to the female heart, Karl. That's why you musicians get all de wimmin. What a great gesture to your girl (great gimmick, too). Really, though, fine work on this project and beautiful touch with the figures. Now to make sure MY wife doesn't see this or I'll never hear the end of it. Come to think of it..... Thanks a LOT, doog!        

I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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Posted by bbrowniii on Monday, November 24, 2008 6:54 PM


WOW...  words... they... I... it's.... I mean, the way you... WOW...


And those figs!  Let me see here, Jenn must be the one with the SHORT hair, right? Blush [:I]

'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing' - Edmund Burke (1770 ??)


  • Member since
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  • From: Colorado
Posted by psstoff995 on Monday, November 24, 2008 7:31 PM
WOAH!! Great work, what scale figures did you finally go with? They fit great, really finishes off the whole thing- along with all the fall colors, really pretty, the perspective shots look real :)


US Army Infantryman


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