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  • Member since
    February 2009
Posted by Skonch on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 7:03 PM

Ok you guys!

I've FINISHED!!!! Yay...oh but wait, how the hell do I get this diorama out of my living room? While I figure that out, please enjoy my final images from my latest, and largest ever project... 



  • Member since
    December 2008
  • From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Posted by model maniac 96 on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:37 PM
lookin good.

"Veni, Vidi, Vici" Julius Caesar: I came, I saw, I conquered.
  • Member since
    March 2009
  • From: Tucson, AZ
Posted by Fokker1138 on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:41 PM
Looks good, though they didn't start shooting till Kenobi fell.  Are the surface panels cardboard too?
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Philippines
Posted by Dwight Ta-ala on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:27 PM
Love the falcon. Cool scene.

  • Member since
    February 2009
Posted by Skonch on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 2:15 AM

Yes almost all are card apart from the blast doors and some areas arount it.

Tanks for pointing out the film timeline! I'll be more careful next time.

  • Member since
    June 2008
  • From: Iowa
Posted by Hans von Hammer on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 4:35 AM

Kinda OFF TOPIC, but seein' as there's some Star Wars interest and artisic license at work, I'll throw in these clips I found on Youtube.. Thought they were pretty clever and proves that George Lucas was a fan of the RAF, The Dam Busters, and 633 Squadron...


  • Member since
    February 2009
Posted by Skonch on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 8:06 AM

Interesting that you should direct me to those vids.

After live filming was complete, Lucas was presented with a few useless shots of from his SF team and with over half the special effect budget spent on simply setting up and designing cameras and effects equipment Lucas was desperate to get the effects team motivated.

In order to give his SF team a feel for what he was trying to achieve, he showed them loads of WW2 footage of dogfights and gunners from bombers in action. On completion most of the effects shots for the Tie attack on the Falcon (my favourite SW scene) and the Death Star attack could literally be overlaid over the WW2 film frame for frame.


If you haven't yet got the Bonus material DVD that came with the last trilogy, do so, it's very interesting, and gives an insight into how Star Wars came so close to not being completed.



  • Member since
    January 2007
Posted by the doog on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 10:36 AM

An awesome dio, Skonch!

Could you clarify though--what are the figures and Millenium Falco models--are they real toy figures and a toy ship painted in more realistic shades, or are they actual models that you built yourself?

  • Member since
    July 2005
Posted by Lloyd on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 11:30 AM
 Skonch wrote:

Interesting that you should direct me to those vids.

After live filming was complete, Lucas was presented with a few useless shots of from his SF team and with over half the special effect budget spent on simply setting up and designing cameras and effects equipment Lucas was desperate to get the effects team motivated.

In order to give his SF team a feel for what he was trying to achieve, he showed them loads of WW2 footage of dogfights and gunners from bombers in action. On completion most of the effects shots for the Tie attack on the Falcon (my favourite SW scene) and the Death Star attack could literally be overlaid over the WW2 film frame for frame.


If you haven't yet got the Bonus material DVD that came with the last trilogy, do so, it's very interesting, and gives an insight into how Star Wars came so close to not being completed.




I recall reading Lucas's bio Skywalking and the battle sequence was pretty much an afterthought during production. But the bit I liked was when they had the first crew preview with sound and music added. In that room it was  like electric, apparently pretty stunned. to be a fly on the wall that day.

  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Bethlehem PA
Posted by the Baron on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 11:58 AM

Well, what is the attack on Yavin by the Death Star but a retelling of the Battle of Midway?  With Gold Squadron standing in for Torpedo 8.  Just like "Battlestar Galactica" replayed Pearl Harbor, in the original series, that is.

Some of the storyboards and other illustrations were based on real combat photos, too, weren't they?  There was a color illustration of a Rebel pilot running across the deck to his fighter, carrying a plotting board, which was inspired and almost copied directly from a picture of a US Navy airman in the same pose, running across the flight deck of his carrier.  I think it's in Squadron's TBF "In Action" book, if I'm not mistaken.

Great dio, too!  I don't think it suffers from adjusting the sequence a little, you wanted to show all of the action in a single picture.  Great use of the figures!



The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.



  • Member since
    February 2009
Posted by Skonch on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 12:54 PM

The Falcon is the latet Hasbro Legacy version that I custom painted, the rest are my kids Star Wars figures.



  • Member since
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  • From: Wherever the hunt takes me
Posted by Boba Fett on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 1:38 PM
Skonch! That is awesome! Yeah, the blasters shouldn't be going off yet, but it adds a little drama. How did you do the blaster bolts? Did you photoshop them in?

  • Member since
    February 2009
Posted by Skonch on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 2:10 PM

 Boba Fett wrote:
Skonch! That is awesome! Yeah, the blasters shouldn't be going off yet, but it adds a little drama. How did you do the blaster bolts? Did you photoshop them in?


Yep, you guessed it, Photoshop Elements. Lasers were a yellowy white line approx 5 pixels wide, I then airbushed along the lines at approx 40 pixels width at 30% pressure.


  • Member since
    July 2005
Posted by Lloyd on Thursday, April 2, 2009 3:12 AM

Now I think about it, your dio concepts might set this off nicely...

Cool [8D]Big Smile [:D]

  • Member since
    February 2009
Posted by Skonch on Thursday, April 2, 2009 7:31 PM

My word! that brings back some memories.

 Star Wars toys have come a long way since then.

  • Member since
    March 2004
  • From: Kincheloe Michigan
Posted by Mikeym_us on Monday, April 13, 2009 7:05 PM
 Lloyd wrote:

Now I think about it, your dio concepts might set this off nicely...

Cool [8D]Big Smile [:D]

God man I had the X-wing TIE fighter and Millenium Falcon when I was a kid back in the 80's on top of all the GI Joe figures and vehicles I had.

On the workbench: Dragon 1/350 scale Ticonderoga class USS BunkerHill 1/720 scale Italeri USS Harry S. Truman 1/72 scale Encore Yak-6

The 71st Tactical Fighter Squadron the only Squadron to get an Air to Air kill and an Air to Ground kill in the same week with only a F-15

  • Member since
    June 2008
  • From: Piscataway,NJ
Posted by jtrace214 on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:13 AM

Wow in the box I imagine that X-wing should be worth alot I have a falcon from the original star wars in box but no inside packaging. Thats one of my prize possesions had it since I was like 7 when new. I always took good care of my toys. Wish I still had most of them( had a house fire in 89' lost most of my stuff). take care great looking dio too.



the pic to the left is my weekend condo lol


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