No problem. I will list some deffinitions here and if you need more just let me know...
M16A4 - Essentialy an M16A2 with a detachable carry handle, (Safe, Semi, Burst), 20" barrel. Most of them in the Army and Marines have a rail system. Specificly the Knights Armament M5 rail system for the most part. Besides for DMR rifles.
M68 CCO - This is the Aimpoint Comp M or the Aimpoint Comp M2. It is a red dot, zero magnafication scope used to aid in speedy target aquisation at close distances. CCO means Close Combat Optics.
ACOG - This is a 4 power scope with tritium sights. Small, lightweight, and durable. Several versions are used the TA31 F and TA01 NSN seem to be the most popular. The first having fiber optics as well to aid in daytime to illuminate the crosshairs.
DMR rifle - An accurized M16A4. Some units scrounge their own in country out of parts but most are produced by the Army Marksmanship Unit. Most have some sort of free float rail system, a Leupold scope, and a stainless or other accurized barrel.
Riflemans Kit - The basic MOLLE layout issued buy the Army. Cosists of a MJOLLE vest and an assortment of pouches. It also includes a camel back, an assault pack, and on the new ones, plastic D rings and such.
IBA - Interceptor Body Armor. Modern body armor used by US forces today. They consist of a vest/carrier with ballistic panels. It holds armor plates in the front and back called SAPI plates (ESAPI are the newer plates) It also consists of a detachable collar, throat protector, groin protector, shoulder pieces, flank pads, nape pad, and flank SAPI plates.
MICH Helmet/ACH Helmet - New style Kevelar helmet used by the Army. It has a shorter profile and no ridge running along the outside as the previous kevelar did. It is also suspended on the head with a series of pads and the chin strap is a four point strap with a plastic buckle. This also has two straps in the back to hold goggles on and most have an adapter plate in the front for NOD's (Night Observation Devices), or NVG's (Night Vision Goggles)
Semper Fi...