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Calling all Gunship nuts! Plus; Need some advice on Amodel's AC-123K...

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  • Member since
    September 2008
  • From: North Carolina
Posted by WarHammer25 on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:46 PM

I have never built anything of AModels but have heard mostly bad things about them. The AC-123 was not really a gunship, but actually a target designator I believe. It had no side-firing weapons on it but a full array of designators and night flying equipment for use along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. It also had weapons dispensers in the belly for CBUs.

Here is a pretty informative link:

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  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Merton, Wisconsin
Posted by bigfoot01 on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:03 PM

Hey Red, I have some information via some reference books I have and am a fan of all of the AC aircraft. If you have any specific questions I can see what I can find for you.

As far as A-Models kits.... RUN AWAY! Use it for fish structure in the lake! Burn it! Big Smile [:D]

I built a A-Model Boeing 307, Voyager and Pits Special and they were horrible fitting kits. After much fighting and arguing with them they didn't turn out half bad, but have your filler putty and sandpaper ready, and plan on doing lots of dry fitting before gluing.

On the other hand I have built the Italeri AC-47 and AC-119 in 1/72nd scale and the AC-130A in 1/48 scale and all three are excellent kits with lots of detail and good fit.

Good luck on the AC-123, I would like to see it when you are finished.



  • Member since
    July 2004
  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:01 PM
I have some reference material on most of the Gunships... nothing on the AC-123 though...(never knew they did one of those). What sort of info do you need?


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  • Member since
    June 2008
  • From: Appleton, WI
Calling all Gunship nuts! Plus; Need some advice on Amodel's AC-123K...
Posted by Red13Bar on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 5:44 PM

Well, first thing is-

Anybody around here knowledgeable about any and all gunships, or are there any ex-gunshippers here that would be willing to talk to me?  I'm doing another school project on this...any and all info appreciated.


I have an Amodel AC-123K here on hand and I was going to build it for said project...any advice?  It looks like a nasty bugger right off the bat...



"All Gault planes, begin the operation. Let the justice." -Anton 'Dr.' Kupchenko Photobucket

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